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HexaTech is recognized as a global leading STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Medicine) journal and website. HexaTech delivers continuous issues adopting the Continuous Publishing Model (CPM)of high-quality, peer-reviewed research and interactive theoretical and empirical content to educators, researchers, and the global STEM community.



Metaverse in Education: A Bibliometric Analysis and Mapping the Potential and Barriers

The relevance of technology advances in the classroom has been underscored by the post-pandemic world's emphasis on digital learning. It also shown that many of the readily accessible online learning materials are either useless or too error-prone to be utilized routinely with students. When it comes to online education, nothing beats the efficiency and effectiveness of the metaverse

Blockchain Technology in Heath Care: A Bibliometric Analysis and Mapping the Possibilities and Limitations

There are a number of reasons why blockchain technology has maintained its popularity. The primary benefit is that it has paved the way for the widespread adoption of cryptocurrency and other forms of digital payment. Some think the effect of this technology might be even greater than that of cryptocurrency.