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HexaTech is recognized as a global leading STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Medicine) journal and website. HexaTech delivers continuous issues adopting the Continuous Publishing Model (CPM) of high-quality, peer-reviewed research and interactive theoretical and empirical content to educators, researchers, and the global STEM community.


الإطار المفاهيمىِ للعقود الذكية

ظهر نمط تعاقدىِ جديد يُعرف بالعقود الذكية، باتت واقعاً معاشاً فىِ العديد من الدول، لذا كان على المشرع تنظيم هذا النمط التعاقدىِ الجديد، ولاسيما أن هذه العقود من المتوقع أن يزيد الطلب عليها مع انتشار وتطور انترنت الأشياء

Education In Egypt: Life Skills and Future Labor Market Needs for the Post-Corona Phase

Education is one of the most important issues that enjoys national consensus on its role and the need to develop it Education is responsible for building an Egyptian human being capable of dealing with today's data.

Quality of Open University Education as an Entry Point for Sustainable Development in Egypt Between Reality and Hope

Education is generally regarded as one of the most important issues that has been unanimously held by the national consensus on its role and the need to develop it, and to increase its efficiency.In an effort to overcome this gap